
▸ function quadraticRoots (p: number[]): number[]

Defined in roots/naive/quadratic-roots.ts:22

Floating-point-stably calculates and returns the ordered quadratic roots of the given quadratic polynomial.

  • precondition: the input polynomial must be quadratic (given as an array of exactly 3 values with the first value unequal to zero)
  • non-exact: it is important to note that even though the roots are calculated in a stable way they are still subject to round-off
  • might be slightly faster than calling allRoots.


quadraticRoots([1, -3, 2]); //=> [1,2]


pnumber[]a quadratic polynomial with coefficients given as an array of double floating point numbers from highest to lowest power, e.g. [5,-3,0] represents the quadratic 5x^2 - 3x

Returns: number[]