
▸ function fromRoots (roots: number[]): number[]

Defined in roots/from-roots/double/from-roots.ts:34

Constructs a polynomial from the given roots by multiplying out the factors (x - root1)(x - root2) in double precision

  • the resulting polynomial may have complex roots close to zero due to round-off caused by working in double precision.

  • mostly for testing purposes.

  • the real roots of the constructed polynomial is unlikely to be exactly the same as the roots that the polynomial has been constructed from due to floating-point round-off.


fromRoots([1,2,3,3]); //=> [1, -9, 29, -39, 18]
allRoots([1, -9, 29, -39, 18]); //=> [1.0000000000000007, 2.000000000000004]
// In the above note the rounding error. Also note the multiple root of 3 that has been missed.
allRoots([1, -9, 29, -39, 17.99999999999999]); //=> [0.9999999999999973, 2.00000000000002, 2.9999999999999982]
allRoots([1, -9, 29, -39, 17.9999999999999]); //=> [0.999999999999975, 2.0000000000000986, 2.9999997898930832, 3.0000002095475775]


rootsnumber[]an array of roots

Returns: number[]