
▸ function allRoots (p: number[], lb?: number, ub?: number): number[]

Defined in roots/naive/all-roots.ts:52

Find and return all roots of the given polynomial in the given interval.

  • an empty array is returned for a constant or the zero polynomial

  • non-exact: roots are found 'naively' using double-precision arithmetic and accuracy will thus depend on the condition number around the root - use allRootsCertifiedSimplified or allRootsCertified instead if certified root bounds are required (it is about 3x slower, but still very fast!)

  • close (where the definition of closeness depends on the condition number) or multiple even roots can be returned as 0, 1 or more close roots, whereas close or multiple odd roots are guaranteed to return at least 1 root

  • optimized for polynomials of degree 1 to about 30

  • roots are refined using the celebrated Brent's Method (and evaluated using Horner's Method) until a root interval is found with width <= eps * max(1, 2^⌈log₂r⌉), where eps = Number.EPSILON and r is a root

  • ordered: the returned roots are ordered from lowest to highest


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
pnumber[]-a polynomial with coefficients given densely as an array of double floating point numbers from highest to lowest power, e.g. [5,-3,0] represents the polynomial 5x^2 - 3x
lbnumberNumber.NEGATIVE_INFINITYdefaults to Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; lower bound of roots to be returned
ubnumberNumber.POSITIVE_INFINITYdefaults to Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; upper bound of roots to be returned

Returns: number[]