
▸ function eChangeVariablesLinear (p: number[][], a: number, b: number): number[][]

Defined in change-variables/expansion/e-change-variables-linear.ts:31

Returns the exact result (bar underflow / overflow) of performing a change of variables of the form: p(x) <- p(ax + b) on the given polynomial (with coefficients given as Shewchuk expansions).


eChangeVariablesLinear([[1],[2],[7]], 3, 4); //=> [[9], [30], [31]]


pnumber[][]a polynomial with coefficients given densely as an array of Shewchuk floating point expansions from highest to lowest power, e.g. [[5],[-3],[0]] represents the polynomial 5x^2 - 3x
anumberthe a in ax + b
bnumberthe b in ax + b

Returns: number[][]