
const flatRootsArr: (n: number, d: number, a?: number, b?: number, seed?: number, odds?: number): number[][]

Defined in predictive-random/double/random.ts:83

Generates and returns an array of polynomials with random roots (with coefficients given densely as an array of double floating point numbers from highest to lowest power, e.g. [5,-3,0] represents the polynomial 5x^2 - 3x).

  • all roots will approximate real values so is not at all representative of a natural random root distribution

  • the exact same polynomials will be created on each call to this function if the same seed is used; this is by design to improve testing.


flatRootsArr(2,3,0,10); //=> [[1, -17.27247918024659, 97.33487287168995, -179.34094494147305], [1, -14.934967160224915, 57.624514485645406, -14.513933300587215]]
flatRootsArr(2,3,0,10); //=> [[1, -17.27247918024659, 97.33487287168995, -179.34094494147305], [1, -14.934967160224915, 57.624514485645406, -14.513933300587215]]


nnumberthe number of polynomials to generate.
dnumberthe degree of the polynomials
a?numberdefaults to 0; the lower bound of the coefficients
b?numberdefaults to 1; the upper bound of the coefficients
seed?numberdefaults to 123456789; a seed value in [0,4294967296]
odds?numberdefaults to 0; the odds that a root will be doubled (applied recursively so that some roots could be tripled, etc.

Returns: number[][]

const flatCoefficientsArr: (n: number, d: number, a?: number, b?: number, seed?: number, odds?: number): number[][]

Defined in predictive-random/double/random.ts:110

Generates and returns an array of polynomials with random coefficients (with coefficients given densely as an array of double floating point numbers from highest to lowest power, e.g. [5,-3,0] represents the polynomial 5x^2 - 3x).

  • the exact same polynomials will be created on each call to this function if the same seed is used; this is by design to improve testing.


flatCoefficientsArr(2,3,-2,2); //=> [[0.1749166026711464, -0.20349335670471191, 0.9375684261322021], [1.0617692470550537, -1.8918039798736572, 0.8040215969085693]]
flatCoefficientsArr(2,3,-2,2); //=> [[0.1749166026711464, -0.20349335670471191, 0.9375684261322021], [1.0617692470550537, -1.8918039798736572, 0.8040215969085693]]


nnumberthe number of polynomials to generate.
dnumberthe length of the polynomial coefficients array
a?numberdefaults to 0; the lower bound of the coefficients
b?numberdefaults to 1; the upper bound of the coefficients
seed?numberdefaults to 123456789; a seed value in [0,4294967296]
odds?numberdefaults to 0; the odds that a root will be doubled (applied recursively so that some roots could be tripled, etc.

Returns: number[][]

â–¸ function flatRoots (d: number, a?: number, b?: number, seed?: number, odds?: number): object

Defined in predictive-random/double/random.ts:213

Generates and returns an array of polynomials with random roots (with coefficients given densely as an array of double floating point numbers from highest to lowest power, e.g. [5,-3,0] represents the polynomial 5x^2 - 3x).

  • also returns a new seed value that can be used as the input to the next call to a predictive random function

  • all roots will approximate real values so is not at all representative of a natural random root distribution

  • the exact same polynomial will be created on each call to this function if the same seed is used; this is by design to improve testing.


flatRoots(3,0,10); //=> { p: [1, -17.27247918024659, 97.33487287168995, -179.34094494147305], seed: 939629312 }


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
dnumber-the degree of the polynomials
anumber0defaults to 0; the lower bound of the coefficients
bnumber1defaults to 1; the upper bound of the coefficients
seednumberSEEDdefaults to 123456789; a seed value in [0,4294967296]
oddsnumber0defaults to 0; the odds that a root will be doubled (applied recursively so that some roots could be tripled, etc.

Returns: object


â–¸ function flatCoefficients (d: number, a?: number, b?: number, seed?: number): object

Defined in predictive-random/double/random.ts:254

Generates and returns an array of polynomials with random coefficients (with coefficients given densely as an array of double floating point numbers from highest to lowest power, e.g. [5,-3,0] represents the polynomial 5x^2 - 3x).

  • also returns a new seed value that can be used as the input to the next call to a predictive random function

  • the exact same polynomial will be created on each call to this function if the same seed is used; this is by design to improve testing.


flatCoefficients(3,-5,5); //=> { p: [0.437291506677866, -0.5087333917617798, 2.3439210653305054], seed: 939629312 }


NameTypeDefault valueDescription
dnumber-the length of the polynomial coefficients array
anumber-1defaults to 0; the lower bound of the coefficients
bnumber+1defaults to 1; the upper bound of the coefficients
seednumberSEEDdefaults to 123456789; a seed value in [0,4294967296]

Returns: object
