
▸ function refineK1 (ri: RootInterval, p: number[][]): RootIntervalExp[]

Defined in roots/certified/refine-k1.ts:35

Returns once compensated root(s) (bar underflow / overflow) given a root interval previously calculated using allRootsCertified.

  • 'once-compensated' here means that the typical root interval, W, (= Number.EPSILON at 1) is reduced to W**2; if multiple roots were present in the original interval they may be resolved to individual intervals


riRootIntervala root interval previously calculated
pnumber[][]the exact polynomial with coefficients given densely as an array of Shewchuk floating point expansions from highest to lowest power, e.g. [[5],[-3],[0]] represents the polynomial 5x^2 - 3x

Returns: RootIntervalExp[]