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Flo Bezier

Robust & fast bezier curve functions


Based on dozens of research papers (referenced in the docs) and using adaptive multi-precision floating point operations with strict error-bounding techniques ensures robust results you can trust.

in no time


Special care has been taken to ensure each function performs well not only in theory but also in practice.


Hundreds of carefully crafted tests and over 99% coverage means you can use every function with confidence and peace of mind.


For maximum interoperability, each function is entirely independent (e.g. not a method of a class) and takes simple paramters (e.g. a point is just an array of numbers and a bezier curve is simply represented as an array of points).


High condition numbers are completely mitigated where necessary without a hit to performance. For example, bezier curve intersection is guaranteed accurate to within 4*Number.EPSILON in the returned paramter values.



Every function is pure . The same input to the same function gives the same results - every time. No need to clog your short term memory by worrying about state of any kind.